Boss Arts Education
We deliver high quality curriculum aligned programs to both primary and secondary schools in all aspects of Nyoongar culture, language, music and dance. Enquire now to find out how Boss Arts Creative can help your school to embed learning about Nyoongar history, culture and perspectives in your school.
Acknowledgement Song Program
The Acknowledgement Program is a culturally responsive program, designed to meet the needs of each individual school and community where it is delivered. Guided by Bibbulmun Nyoongar musician and actress Della Rae Morrison together with leading contemporary recording artist Charley Caruso, this 10-week program will help your students and staff to write, record and produce its own Acknowledgement of Country song, that conveys your school’s unique values, history and story.
The program runs for 10 weeks over one school term with one workshop delivered per week. During this time your students will learn about the history, culture and language of the Nyoongar people and will develop skills in songwriting and singing. Students will be taken to a professional recording studio to record the song and at the end of the program your school will have its own tailored Acknowledgment to Country song that can be played at school assemblies and sung by the whole school community as you pay your respects to the traditional owners of this country that we call home, Wadjuk Nyoongar Country. Boss Arts Creative has delivered the program to both primary and secondary schools and suits students of all ages, cultures and abilities.
To learn more about the program and to inquire about our fees please email us at: bossartscreative@gmail.com.
All proceeds from the Acknowledgement Program go towards the training and mentoring of young and emerging First Nations Artists. You can Donate Here
Yeyi Ba Kalyakoorl
Boss Arts Creative delivered a 12 week First Nations Cultural Immersion Program in the heart of Boorloo, at the Perth Cultural Centre. In our Mia Mia and in the warmth of our fire, we brought together a range of First Nations music artists, visual artists, Elders, storytellers, dancers, circus artists and of course our very own Boss Arts Creative emerging artists to share their culture and build community connection. Enjoy photos and video highlights from this Boss winter event on our Facebook Page.